Initial consultation and treatment
For the initial consultation, testing of the first 10 vials and a BBF treatment, we allow approx 1hr- 1hr 15mins.
This includes allergy testing of basic nutrients along with a chosen suspected allergy of your choice such as dust mite or cat dander.
The first NAET treatment involves chiropractic techniques along the spine (while clothed) along with acupressure points at certain acupuncture gate points (these include, wrists, elbows, ankles and feet). This treatment balances the energy flow through the body and helps normalise the immune response, in preparation for further treatments.
Fee: £48 (concessions £38)
Follow up treatments
Follow up treatments are normally completed within 30 minutes with a 10 minute relaxation period at the end. (40 minutes total). Each week a further food type/nutrient is treated such as eggs or wheat. You will be required to avoid eating the food type completely for 25hrs following the treatment. No long term avoidance is necessary.
Fee: £36 (concessions £26)
How many treatments
Follow up treatments are ideally completed on a weekly basis initially and then may be reduced to fortnightly or monthly. In general the longer an individual has had a compliant, the higher the number of treatments will be needed to aid healing and reduce symptoms.
For chronic conditions it is recommended that all of the first 16 vials are treated over a period of 4 months. For younger patients or those with acute symptoms, less treatments may be required.
Block booking
We advise taking our block booking offer, as this gives significant savings.
Block book 5 follow up treatments for £162 (10% discount)
Block book 15 follow up treatments for £432 (20% discount)
To take advantage of this offer, blocks of treatments must be paid for in advance.
Karen is currently NOT practising due to family commitments